Students: If this is your first time visiting AdvisorTrac, please enter your BU login name, and use your BUID number for your temporary password. Please call the CGS Student Services office (617-353-2850) with questions or issues.
The College of General Studies, Boston University
Welcome to The College of General Studies, Boston University
TutorTrac is your university's learning center management sofware. Learning centers may track appointments that students have with tutors.
Learning centers may also track ad hoc logins when students spend time in the learning center. Learning center direectors may also run payroll for tutors using the TutorTrac learning management system.
Advising Center Management Sofware
AdvisorTrac is your university's advising center management sofware. Advising centers may track appointments that students have with consultants, advisors, and counselors.
Advising centers may also track ad hoc logins when students spend time in the advising center. Advising center direectors may also run payroll for advisors using the AdvisorTrac advising management system.
TutorTrac and AdvisorTrac use a built-in web-based reporting system that allows the users of the sofware to run a report based on their privileges. Users may also schedul reports that are emailed automatically to a chosen email address. Additionally, reports may be extracted to TEXT, CSV, and a variety of other formats (including XML)..
Online Scheduling
TutorTrac and AdvisorTrac use a built-in web-based user-interface system that allows the students to go online and schedule an appointment with their tutor or advisor. Learning Center and Advising Center administrators
may set the rules for how many appointments a student may have fr a particular, subject, reason, center, and even by consultant. It's flexible rules make management of the center a snap.
Visit Tracking
TutorTrac and AdvisorTrac use a built-in web-based user-interface system that allows any visit to the center to be tracked by time in and time out, the reason for the visit and if applicable the subject that the student is receiving help in.
Center administrators may also set up custom questions that are asked on login or log out of the center.
Upon completion of a visit, students may receive a questionaire regarding the qualitative value of the visit to the student. This allows admninistrators to receive feedback about how their personnel are doing and respond quickly for an improved student experience.
SAGE Early Warning or Early Alert System
SAGE is a module that may be added to the base tracking system to allow faculty to identify a potential problem and begin the process of getting help to a student in need quickly and timely before the problem actually becomes detrimental to the student's success.
More than just faculty, any pre-approved campus personnel may be involved in the process for identifying and solving academic issues before they become problematic.
Securely tracking data without the potential for sensitive information being released is a major key fature of the KIOSK system.
You may use the KIOSK to allow students to log basic information, but not access important, sensitive information.
Web-based means access from anywhere. Anywhere that is allowed. You may use the campus single sign-on system to access your Advising or Tutoring Center Management software.
Students may use their single sign-on to schedule an appointment or view the progress of a process.
Mobile Version
Hand held tablets, PC, web-browser enabled phones, these devices and more may be used to input batch information or be used by students to schedule their appointment with the learning center or advising center.
Document Management
The built-in document management system allows transcripts, immunization information, lab results, test results, you name it, to be stored and recorded for all students. Nursing programs use the documents to record procedures that have been accomplished. Writing centers use this system for keeping tracking of proofs or rough drafts.